Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Week In Review...

Tonight I'm sitting at Starbucks while the girls are at American Heritage Girls.  I'm watching the sun shine on the Grand Mesa while it sets as I type this.  The scenery here is so beautiful!  The Bookcliffs turn an amazing red at sunset.  I'll have to take a picture to share here...

Anyhow, here's a little recap of our week...

We had a nice, quiet Easter Sunday.  We got up early and went to Mass, then back home where the girls got their Easter gifts.  No egg hunt this year - they've all pretty much outgrown that.  And since I'm not sure which box our Easter baskets are in, we just placed their Easter candy at their spots at the dining room table.   James got up early and put a tri-tip roast on the Traeger to smoke, so it was cooking nicely when we got back from church.   After church, I made hash browns and he made omelets while the girls watched Big Hero 6.  The meat didn't take nearly as long as we thought it would to smoke, so we found ourselves eating our Easter dinner just a few hours after we'd eaten our brunch!

Monday, we spent the day straightening up and cleaning, because we were having company!  My mom came to visit us for the week.  It was so good to see her!  It really is strange not to have her nearby.  In the Springs, we were about 5 minutes from her house.   She arrived Monday afternoon, and stayed until Friday morning.  We had a lot of fun while she was here!  We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and had lunch and played trivia, went to the mall, she took the girls to see the new Cinderella movie, we played games of Phase 10, and just enjoyed her company.  We're planning to visit the Springs next month around Mother's Day.  

After a busy week, we just ran errands on Saturday and relaxed on Sunday.  This last week was not good for my step totals!  I think I only hit my 10,000 step goal once.

Some of the time I used to spend trolling Facebook, I've been browsing Pinterest.  I'm finding new recipes and craft ideas, as well as gardening stuff.  I can't wait to try some of the stuff that I've been finding.  I'll probably share some here, so stay tuned!

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