Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hello again!  It's been a while since I have updated this blog.   We've had so many changes over the last couple of years that I thought that I'd start blogging again and bring everyone up to date.  I've decided to spend significantly less time on Facebook, so this is how I'm going to keep everyone up to date on our adventures!  

So... What have we been up to?  

Well, for starters, we moved to Fruita, Colorado!  Fruita is about 8 miles north west of Grand Junction.  It's about 300 miles - or a 6 hour drive - from Colorado Springs.  It's a small town - only about 12,000 people.  I think we have a whopping 2 stoplights, and they're both by the highways (I-70 and Hwy 6&50 both run through here). 

What brought us here?  Well, James was unemployed for about 11 months.  After about 9 months of searching and not finding anything in or around Colorado Springs that paid enough to pay the bills, we decided we needed to expand the search to the whole state of Colorado, and also look out of state.  In January of 2014 James was offered a job with Xcel Energy in Grand Junction, and our moving adventure began.  

While there are things I miss in Colorado Springs, Fruita is a really nice place to live.  We are about 15 minutes from the Colorado National Monument and lots of BLM land, which means lots of hiking and outdoor places to go.  This area is a top destination for mountain biking, and there are lots of festivals throughout the summertime.  We also have a community center, which has the Fruita branch of the Mesa County Library, an indoor and outdoor pool, a gym, an indoor running/walking track, a gymnasium, and the senior center.  The girls are looking forward to spending lots of time at the pool this summer!  

In other news... Hannah was diagnosed with food allergies and celiac disease last spring.  We've all made the change to gluten free, and we've discovered that we all have some form of gluten intolerance.  Interesting... So, now that we're settled in our new home, I've been working on mastering gluten free cooking.  One book I've read, Wheat Belly, has proven to be a very interesting read.  I've kicked all grains to the curb, so while they're all gluten free, I'm grain free as well.  I'm looking forward to learning to modify recipes and create yummy new ones! 

That's about it for now!


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