Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Well, it's been a while since I've had time to post anything, so I thought that I'd kind of catch up...

At the beginning of April, we went to Santa Fe. Hope is really interested in everything Native American. We went to Bandelier National Monument and explored all the ruins there. There were cliff and talus houses, along with a ruin that was in the bottom of the canyon. We even climbed up into an alcove in a cliff to see a ruin up there. We explored the old part of Sante Fe and bought some jewelry from the Native American artisans that go there to sell their wares. We saw the church with "The Staircase"... We also went to Pecos National Monument and Fort Union National Monument. Busy weekend! I would have loved to have more time, but we can always go back! I am going to add a blog just about our trip, as soon as I get it finished! Stay tuned...
May 1 was Hayleigh's First Communion! It was kind of bittersweet, because it was a last 'first' for us... She was the center of attention all day, which was quite overwhelming for her. I'll add a separate blog on that, just because I have lots of pictures to share!

Summer has begun, and true to Colorado style weather, we went from cool weather to hot weather in a matter of days. We were all anxious for the warmer weather to come ~ seems like we had such a cool spring! The last week or so we've had lots of smoke in the air from all the wild fires in southern Colorado and Arizona. We've barely been able to see the mountains! But, today the winds changed and our sky is now the awesome blue we know and love!

We signed up this year for the Kids Bowl Free program. We can bowl 2 games each day for free! The girls absolutely love this and ask to go almost every day. We did have to invest in bowling shoes or we would have spent a small fortune on shoe rentals. They have improved already, although Hope tends to get frustrated easily because the ball doesn't do what she wants it to do... We're only on our 3rd week of bowling, so we have the whole summer ahead of us. Hannah is probably going to give me a run for my money before summer's end!

We're also going to go to the movies every Wednesday morning! Our Cinemark has a summer fun pass, where each Wednesday they show a different family/kids movie. My mom was kind enough to buy us passes. It'll be fun!

We still have schoolwork to finish, and I still have to test Hope this year. I'm sure that we'll get it done, maybe do schoolwork a day or two each week. A plus, though, is that I can count bowling as P.E., and add that to our school hours!! Yipee! Even after summer's over, we may still go bowling occasionally...

James is back into his traveling mode... He has been spending lots of time out in Limon/Burlington/Goodland getting surveying done out there. He had hoped to get lots done while it was still cool, but when it was cool it was also wet, so they didn't get much done and now they have to work in the HEAT!

That's about it for now... Looking forward to a fun and *BUSY* summer!!

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