Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking Back on 2010

Well, another year has flown by. 2010 was not remarkable for us, but still full of activities and fun. I am excited to see what 2011 has in store for us. I thought that I would post a little review of our year.

We took a couple of field trips in March, first to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I know it as the Denver Museum of Natural History. That's what it was when I was growing up. And it was much smaller. They still have all the exhibits that I remember and have added some cool stuff, too. In the dinosaur exhibit, we found a display from Agate Fossil Beds in Nebraska. The girls got excited because we had been there in October (of 2009) and they recognized it. We also explored the wildlife dioramas and the Native American exhibit. Hope has been reading lots of books on Native Americans and so she liked this one the best. We also went to the Denver Mint and the Capitol. The mint tour was alot shorter than I remember, probably because of 9/11, but it was still interesting and fun to see the old architecture. They just don't make buildings like that anymore, which is a shame, because the attention to detail is incredible. After that tour we went on to the Capitol. We were able to see both the House and Senate working, and even got to talk to a pro-homeschooling legislator, which was interesting. Turns out, his family is a homeschooling family, and he understands how important our homeschooling freedoms are. We explored the attic at the capitol, and even went up into the dome.

In May, we celebrated Hope’s First Communion. She looked so pretty and grown up in her dress. She insisted that I make her a little white purse to match her dress. I mean, after all, the pattern was included with her dress pattern, and the pictures of the girls wearing the dress were holding the matching purse, so of course she needed it. I have to admit, it was cute. The next weekend we made a trip to Bent's Old Fort, which was a trading post on the Santa Fe Trail. It's been reconstructed, but it is really neat nonetheless.

Then it was time for Mother's Day, and we had a nice cookout at our house and celebrated with my mom and my grandmother. And to wrap up the month, we went to Bishop's Castle, which is a medieval type castle being built by hand.

July was another busy month. We celebrated 4th of July at our cousin’s home. It was nice to get together, but the weather did not cooperate so we spent the evening indoors with no fireworks. A few days later we celebrated Hayleigh’s 7th birthday. She’s getting so big! A couple days later, we headed to Nebraska for my Great Uncle Dale’s funeral. It was a quick trip, but we had a great time visiting with family we don’t see often. There are rumors of a reunion being planned for this coming summer. And then my brother and his family came for a visit and we made another trip to the Denver Museum of History and Science.

August brought pickle making time. On a sprig of dill we bought, we found a caterpillar. We kept it in a jar with plenty of dill to eat, and then it formed a chrysalis. We waited and waited, and finally it came out and we set it free. The girls absolutely loved it!

October brought more birthdays and Halloween. Hope turned 9 and Hannah turned 12. Hope had her first sleepover, and we turned it into a ‘Detective Party’ since she absolutely loves Nancy Drew and sleuthing. Hannah had a Halloween themed sleepover (as usual). For Halloween, the girls went as M&Ms. Hannah Was purple, Hope was yellow, and Hayleigh was green. They were adorable!

December brought even more birthdays ~ my grandmother’s, mine, and my mom’s. For my grandmother’s, we went out to lunch and played trivia, went to her house and decorated for Christmas, and then went to Red Lobster for dinner. My Uncle Skeeter and his wife Robin came down from Denver to help decorate and go to Red Lobster with us. For mine, we went to my mom’s house where John grilled yummy steaks and my mom made me a Cheesecake! I have not had cheesecake in what seems like forever, and it was so good! They gave me a Nook eReader which I absolutely love! Christmas eve we went to Mass where Hannah’s youth group acted out the Gospel as it was read. She was an Angel. After mass, we went home for a nice dinner and decorated the Christmas cookies we hadn’t had a chance to while watching The Nativity Story and A Christmas Story. Christmas Day we opened packages and had cinnamon rolls and then we were off to my mom’s house for Christmas Dinner, where we enjoyed Prime Rib, Au Gratin Potatoes, veggies, and homemade rolls. For dessert we enjoyed a delicious Raspberry Tiramisu that John had made.

We celebrated New Year’s Eve at home with a pot of Chili and homemade brownies. We played Phase 10, and except for Hayleigh and Stitch, we made it to midnight.

We hope that you had a great 2010 as well, and wish you the best in 2011!

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