Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010

Well, thanks to my sister in law, I am getting better about posting to this! (Thanks, Jen!) Guess I just needed a little motivation!

Nothing much is happening here... a quiet start to the New Year! We are slowly getting back into the school routine. We registered for classes at our co-op today. I was surprised that we were able to get classes that the girls wanted because I forgot to call for a registration appointment and we did not register until day 3 of registration, and that usually means that all the good classes are full by then. In a way, I was kind of hoping that there would not be any classes so we could have a rest from that, but when I suggested that to Hannah, she broke into tears and stomped into her room (ahhh, 11 year old drama) so I figured that would not happen unless there were no classes.

This year I am striving to become more organized... that is my goal for 2010. I am going to do it in steps, instead of trying to overhaul everything at once. Maybe if I attack it that way, I will be more successful.

The first step I am taking is to become more organized in meal planning and preparation. I absolutely hate it when my husband comes home from work and wonders what is for dinner, and I have absolutely no idea because I got so wrapped up in school or chores that I completely lose track of time. I would love to find a software program that would help with that... I have an ancient recipe program that my mom gave to me years ago, but all it does is store recipes. I guess that I will just have to figure out my own system.

I intend to use my crock pot more often, like several times each week. I have checked out several crock pot books from the library and borrowed some from a friend, and received one as a gift at Christmas - but my favorite so far is 'Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook' - I borrowed that one from a friend. That one I will have to go buy. The main problem I come across is that most recipes that are out there for slow cookers use canned condensed soups as ingredients. Not only can't I eat them because of my allergies, but after all that I have read on how processed foods are prepared and what goes in to them, I would not want to, either.

So, now I am off to our church to pick up the materials I ordered for our new Financial Peace University class that begins tonight ( #7!). I also have to make copies of the syllabus for this class and then make up our class roster. I was going to do that this morning, but received another registration, so I figured I would do it this afternoon so if any more come in last minute I can include them. Then it's dinner time and off to class!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogging! I read a pretty cool one that she updates regularly that I think you'd's called Keeper of the Home. She's very into eating healthy, naturally etc. If I get time today, I'm going to put a list of the blogs I follow on my page so then you could just click it there and check it out :)
